On this website, we present spiritual messages about inner growth, the christ energy, lightworkers, the new earth, and the transition from ego based to heart based consciousness. These messages have been received from an inner connection with Jeshua. “Jeshua ben Joseph” is the original Aramaic name for Jesus, the personification of the christ energy on earth. In these channelings, he presents himself as Jeshua, a brother and friend to us rather than the deified authority that tradition made out of him. His energy is still available to us, not so much as a fixed set of ideas or rules but as a pointer, showing us the way to the Christ within.
Who are we?

From 2002 onward, we have been working together closely in our spiritual practice in The Netherlands. Pamela is a writer and channeler for Jeshua and Gerrit is a regression therapist who often accompanies Pamela in the channeling sessions. We offer consultations and workshops in different countries and it gives us much joy to connect with soul family across the world.
“For me, the name Jeshua refers not so much to the historical personality of Jesus but to the universal Christ energy that we are all a part of. When I channel Jeshua, I feel deeply drawn into this field of love and compassion and in that state of consciousness I receive the messages from Jeshua.”
How to read the material
The channelings can be read independently and without prior knowledge, however the Lightworker Series is basic in the sense that it explains what it means to be a lightworker and the other messages often refer to this notion.
The channelings deal with both metaphysical questions about the nature of the soul and the meaning of your journey on Earth, and everyday topics such as relationships, work, abundance, self healing and more.
To learn more about Jeshua’s identity, take a look at “Who is Jeshua?”
To know more of what “channeling” means and how Pamela started channeling Jeshua, see “Biography and some notes on channeling”
The most powerful channeled messages have been published in book form. They explore the above mentioned themes and issues in greater depth.
The Jeshua Channelings dwells on the history and purpose of lightworker souls (it contains the Lightworker Series) and has reached a worldwide audience in multiple languages.
Heart Centered Living and The Christ Within address the transition from ego based to heart based consciousness, both on the individual and the collective level.
The Forbidden Female Speaks and The Forbidden Male Speaks deal with the pivotal issue of how to relate to our masculine and feminine energy, and achieve balance between then, both within and without.
All books are a mixture of channelings directly received by Pamela without audience, and channelings received during live workshops.
Monthly messages for lightworkers
Every third Sunday of the month, there’s an online channeling from Pamela and introductory meditation by Gerrit, in which we address questions that move lightworkers and are central to their inner journey.
More info here
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Contact us
We welcome your feedback but due to the volume of correspondence we receive, we cannot answer all of your e-mails. Also, we do not offer personal advice through e-mail. Thanks for your understanding.