Messages from the future
By Pamela Kribbe
One morning, I was daydreaming and not thinking about anything in particular. Suddenly, I felt a flow of inspiration and the following “message” came to me. I don’t know from where of from who, but it was uplifting and rang true, so I decided to write it down and share it with you.
1. Realize that at the core of all Creation is spirit, not matter.
2. Elevating the material laws of physical reality to the ultimate laws of Creation is extremely limiting and prevents you from seeing true causality at work.
3. Spirit is truly creative and you have been handed down a part of Spirit, an inalienable part, unique and indestructible.
4. You are not supposed to be One with anything other than You. You are not supposed to become one with others, or with anyhing transcendent, nor to give up yourself. You are supposed to feel, recognise and Be the God spark within. You are meant to be unique.
5. The Youness of you is the biggest creative feat, yet you seek to escape it because you think it is hampering you from experiencing Oneness. In truth, you can only have experiences of mystical bliss and exctacy when you are fully at one with yourself, being the conscious conductor of Oneness. Oneness cannot be experienced without Consciousness. Consciousness can only Be where there is a You.
6. There is no beginning and no end, time is a measure of experience, of growth, it is not an objective, measurable quantity. When we say that we bring messages to you from the future, we say so to deliberately confuse you. The future does not exist yet, cannot exist by definition….only the past and the present seem to have an objective existence “out there”, as a collection of facts to be remembered (past) or experienced (present). How then can there be messages from the future? It can only be so if there is something inside you that remains the same regardless of Time, something that is out of Time. To speak from the future is to speak from the Unknown. To your human brain it seems that the past and the present are known and the future is not. We bring messages from the Unknown, meaning that we tell you about what you are yet to discover, and what is helpful to know in order to jump off your limited awareness of Time. The future is open wide, you choose it, our vibration does not come from a future “out there” but from a place inside you that has become veiled. The future is the unveiled You.
© Pamela Kribbe
One thought on “Messages from the future ”
Thank you Pamela. I always deeply resonate with you, there is something very natural for me that I recognize when you’re not necessarily channeling but also when talking about your view, about yourself.
With love.