Newsletter – April 2021
- New monthly message for lightworkers: Embracing your feminine energy
- Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life with Rob Schwartz
- Two new channelings
- Workshop for our Chinese readers
1. New monthly message for lightworkers: Embracing your feminine energy
New ‘monthly message for lightworkers’ by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen, April 18 2021, 08:00 PM CET+1 (Paris)
Embracing your feminine energy
Jeshua is going to talk about what happened to the balance of masculine and feminine energy on Earth and how deeply important it is that both men and women (re)connect with their feminine energy.
Click here for more information and registration
2. Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life with Rob Schwartz
We would like to let you know about a free event hosted by Robert Schwartz, the author of Your Soul’s Gift, a book that Pamela contributed to and that centers around the idea that we plan our lives before we are born. If you are interested to explore the notion of a pre-birth life plan and the healing power of working with it, make sure to join in on April 17:

It takes courage and tenacity to live a human life here on earth…
Oftentimes, we can feel overwhelmed and burdened by all it entails, especially by the challenges that arise.
Yet, there is a powerful perspective we can embrace to find solace, acceptance, peace, self-compassion, and even liberation as we travel through life’s peaks and valleys.
It’s in adopting the notion that we planned our own life — the parents we’re born to, the relationships we encounter, even the challenges we face — to evolve as a soul and embody admirable virtues…
On Saturday, April 17, celebrated Between Lives Soul Regression certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife, Liesel Fricke, a prolific channeler of Light Being energies and wisdom, will help you discover the powerful healing shift you can make by viewing your life with the understanding that you not only planned it, you’re empowered to change it.
You can register here for Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life: Explore Your Pre-Birth Plan & How You Can Alter Your Life’s Trajectory
During this life-enriching hour, you’ll:
- Explore the notion that you created your own pre-birth plan — including your life challenges — and how understanding this can bring more peace, comfort, gratitude, and love into your life
- Discover the Divine Virtues (such as unconditional love, acceptance, and being present in the moment) as fruits of your agreement to work through the challenges in your life
- Learn how soul regression work, a hypnosis-induced inner journey to previous life experiences, can help you explore, understand, accept, and co-create your life now
- Discover the Beings of Light who dwell in Unity Consciousness and how their wisdom can support you in your soul’s highest goals
- Experience your interconnectedness with others through a guided meditation to reveal how even seemingly small choices can help you cultivate Divine Virtues and open you to a higher-vibrational life plan
Most of what is set at birth is tentative, not a certainty, says Rob.
Through soul regression (hypnosis-induced inner journeys) to explore and understand their pre-birth plans, Rob has seen many individuals confidently take the reins of their life and shift their course for the better.
He has also seen many come to terms with trauma, sickness, or the loss of a loved one — and find peace, forgiveness, gratitude, and love — through the understanding that the soul ultimately makes its choices for its betterment.
3 Two new channelings
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“Just feel your own inner world for a moment. Go inside. Imagine that inside you is a living, transparent space. It runs throughout your body; it is much larger than your body. It’s your energy field. It’s like a large house that you live in, only it is in continuous movement. There are flowing currents, moods, vibrations, that surround you. This is your house, your energetic home. Your body is included in it. In fact, the state of your energy is the foundation, the basis of it. The body responds to this, flows and moves with it. It is in a way secondary in that it follows the laws of energy. Matter follows energy.”
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“You are infinitely precious, each one of you: the way you are here and now, with the particular qualities you have, the body in which you dwell, the personality that belongs to you. But within that “you-ness” is contained something else, something which transcends all that: it is your soul. Feel your soul, which is also participating in other realities, whose consciousness extends far beyond the earthly, yet still wants to be here on Earth through you. Feel your soul, for a moment, as a field around you and become aware of that field.”
4 For our Chinese readers: workshop on high sensitivity (April 17/18)
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit