Newsletter – April 2023
- New monthly message: The inner child as guide
- New channeling: The Heart Center of the Earth
1. New monthly message: The inner child as guide
April 16, 2023
Mother Mary invites you in this channeled meditation to connect with your inner child, focusing first on what brings it joy and secondly on what brings up fear and pain.
Mary addresses different aspects of the inner child. On the one hand, the higher emotions of the child point in the direction of your soul’s purpose and help you find it. On the other hand, the child’s darker emotions reflect what is unconscious in you and seeks release and loving acceptance.
In both ways, the inner child can guide us and get us in touch with the meaning of our soul’s journey for this life.
2. New channeling: The Heart Center of the Earth
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth
“I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now. Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you? Are you ready to take the next step to opening your heart and to healing the old pain? You do not need to know how that will happen; you do not need to be able to fathom the depth of your soul in order to take that next step. It comes through trust; feel that it is good to do so. That is what I ask of you, not to save the world, but to take that one step, your next step. That is what fits right in with the rhythm and the path of development of the Earth as a whole, with this whole sphere of being. We do it together. If each individual being completes their dance, then doing that brings the greatest gift to the whole.”
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit
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Dear friends, I salute you all,
Jeshua messages are full of truth and comfort words and are the core of this big fraternity that ultimately evolves into a new world. A world of inner peace and joyfulness, the very reason for our existence, consciousness, and evolution with fraternal love and reciprocity.
I myself am just a simple worker, trying to transmute today’s duality of profane lives into a life of respect, altruísm, and empathy.
May your path be always blessed.
I salute you all.