Newsletter – February 2022
- New monthly message: The Atlantean roots of lightworkers
- New channeling: You are the Midwives of the New
- In memory of my father
- Clouds
1. New monthly message: The Atlantean roots of lightworkers
Channeling February 20th 2022
The Atlantean roots of lightworkers – channeling on Sunday February 20th, 2022 at 08:00 pm (cet+1 Paris).
Lightworkers gave birth to the civilization of Atlantis, which was marked by highly developed technologies based on third eye (psychic) powers rather than materialist science. Spiritually speaking, Atlantean society was infused with a high level of (cosmic) knowledge but a low level of heart based awareness. Consequently, our awareness as lightworker souls, though very skilled in moulding matter through the mind, lacked in compassion and understanding and was characterized by a sense of superiority and contempt for physical reality and (the animal and emotional part of) human nature.
How do our Atlantean roots play out today?
As souls, we watched and experienced the downfall of Atlantis. We reincarnated in large numbers again during the time of the birth of Christ consciousness. Then, we embraced heart based awareness and sought to express this light in the world around us. We were rejected, ridiculed and even killed for it, and we experienced the opposite of being privileged and superior: we became outcasts, wounded and traumatized ‘warriors of light’.
Jeshua will speak about how we are still influenced by our Atlantean roots today. He will point at the fact that it’s still important to release a sense of superiority and truly understand and honor earth reality. He will also point at a positive aspect of our Atlantean roots, our understanding of the spiritual origin of material reality and our awareness of the creative power of the mind. He will explain what our current purpose is in today’s reality and how we can make the best use of our Atlantean roots.
The Atlantean roots of lightworkers
– Sunday February 20th 2022, 08:00 pm (cet+1 Paris)
– Introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen
– Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
2. New channeling: You are the Midwives of the New
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“Humanity is slowly, but surely, making the transition to a heart-based consciousness. This is a big event on Earth, a new birth on a collective level, and you are part of that transition. You are forerunners, leaders in the field of the new consciousness. However, there is a dynamic at work in all growth processes that does not happen in a straight line. There are peaks and valleys, waves that ebb and flow in the process of this new birth.
Your souls have been called upon to support this process and to move along on the waves of change that are part of the birth of this new reality, and this process will not always be easy for you. You can be certain that the old vested interests that want to hold on to their power, that hold on to their position because of fear of the new, will not let go readily. But it is not your duty to fight against them; it is merely your task to go along with the rhythm of your own soul, your own inspiration, your own unique insights that you bring here. And for that there is sufficient opportunity in your lives. Your souls wanted this process to happen and have created the conditions in which it is finally possible. I might describe the result as being fully who you are in your heart, in your soul, which is why it is so important for you to respond to the call of your soul. The time is ripe for you to do so and that also fulfills your soul’s plan.”
You are the Midwives of the New
3. In memory of my father
By Pamela Kribbe

At the end of December 2021, my father Frans Kribbe passed away. He was 87 years old. He was a kindhearted man, introverted, well-read, interested in history and philosophy. He was very critical of religion and spirituality. As a child, he had been forced to go to church (Protestant) once too often, and that left a lifelong aversion to false authority and religious moralism.
To my delight, I experienced contact with him after his death. He was blown away by the beauty he found on the other side and immensely relieved that there was something after death. It was touching to me to feel his joy. He had struggled so much with the idea of ”dissolving into nothingness”. I suspect his anxious brooding over what would happen at death haunted him more than the pain and physical discomfort during the last weeks of his life. My heart felt lighter as I felt his joy and liberation, and I noticed that his outlook on earthly life began to change rapidly.
During his lifetime, for example, knowledge was very important to him and he reproached himself for never having completed an academic study, although he had embarked on three different ones. Now he indicated that that kind of knowledge matters less than he thought.
With a quiet and pensive look on his face, he said: “We are on Earth to learn something.”
I couldn’t help but ask: “How do we know what we need to learn?”
He replied: “Pay attention to what is difficult for you.”
Astute answer, I thought, befitting my father.
Whatever is difficult… whatever you keep bumping into, whatever evokes fear or old pain….. indeed, these are the areas in which we are faced with issues we need to solve.
“What is my main issue, really?”, I wondered. And suddenly an answer rose to the surface: fusion. And I thought: “Yes, I recognize that.” Losing myself, not holding the boundaries of my self because I easily connect empathically, and also seeking that connection, or unification, to not feel alone, to not feel lonely.
Time and again, however, it turns out that fusion does not work. That self-loss does not lead to real, lasting connection, but to a fake “oneness” that disintegrates as soon as you stop giving too much, empathizing and making yourself small. Nevertheless, holding on to my self, my energetic center, remains something that is still difficult for me. Life, therefore, constantly presents me with situations which challenge me to deal with this issue in depth.
Thus, the very first conversation with my deceased father immediately gave me new insights. No longer an atheist, but still a philosopher – ha ha!
4. Clouds
By Gerrit Gielen
Nature is good for us. A piece of pure nature that is often overlooked is above us: the sky. Cloud formations are beautiful to see, especially at this time of year. Watching them is soothing.
Forget the world around you for a moment and look up. Stop thinking, clear your head and fill it with the sky you see. A simple yet very powerful meditation against all the boxes in your head…. it turns you into a different person after just a few minutes.
I like to share with you some pictures of the amazing skies I saw on my walks recently.

Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit
3 thoughts on “Newsletter – February 2022”
Thank you for sharing your fathers joy and wisdom Pamela. I hope you find peace in your enduring connection with one another.
Thank you so much Pamela and Gerrit for sharing your stories and the scenery. I am so grateful for the efforts you’ve put into helping, healing, and awakening people like me.
Such a beautiful conversation with your father. And wonderful photos of the clouds. Thank you both for your kindness, love, and willingness to share. The channelings here have helped me so much in understanding my own darkness.