Newsletter – July 2023
- New monthly message: Let the body speak
- New channeling: The power of the soul
1. New monthly message: Let the body speak
Often we seek guidance from sources outside us: teachers, spiritual guides, friends or loved ones. There is however a guide inside us who continuously sends messages: it’s our body.
In this channeled message, Mary Magdalene teaches us how to reconnect to our body and understand its language.
MM: The body knows how you truly feel and what really fulfills you. Growing up, you are taught to ignore your body’s messages and to rely more on the beliefs and moral commands of collective consciousness. It’s time now to open up to your body’s wisdom and hear the voice of your soul speak through it.

2. New channeling: The power of the soul
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary
“Life is a stream of flowing energy, and there is something in you that also wants to flow. That is not to say that life always feels nice and pleasant, but that there is always a current present in your soul that flows along with the highs and the lows, the dark and the light. Whenever you resist that current, you make yourself stuck and you create a situation that appears to be static. Yet, even then, life is never really at a standstill.
What happens when you are caught in resistance, when you tell yourself that things will not work out, when you make too harsh a judgment about your situation? In the worst case scenario, it happens that you are going to feel awful about yourself and talk yourself into feeling down-hearted. You then find yourself in an energy field that is the start of depression; you feel flat and somber, unclear and muddled. That is what happens when you stifle the energy and it cannot flow; it becomes a nebulous twilight zone.”

Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit