Newsletter – July 2024
- New monthly message July 21 – Discovering the meaning of suffering
- Online workshop: Your Soul’s Journey – August 11 & 12, 2024
- New channeling: A Time for Harvesting
- New article: How the Astral World Affects Us
- Audio of the Jeshua channelings “Lightworker I”, “Lightworker II” and “Lightworker III”
- “The Forbidden Male Speaks” is now also available in ePub and Kindle formats
1. New monthly message July 21 – Discovering the meaning of suffering
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen
Part III: Level 2 – The mature soul’s journey: discovering the meaning of suffering. Tuning moment: Sunday July 21 2024 at 8:00 p.m* CET (Amsterdam timezone) or whenever you decide to listen to it afterwards, from your own comfy space: home
The mature soul’s journey: discovering the meaning of suffering. Jeshua will clarify how the soul is attracted to what it wants to learn. It attracts circumstances that put its blind spots center stage. The soul attracts darkness (crises, challenges) to enable itself to shine light on it.
The basic engine behind this creation process is still Emotion but as you mature and move into higher levels of evolution, the basic engine becomes Consciousness.
Click here for more information and registration
2. Online workshop: Your Soul’s Journey – August 11 & 12, 2024
Your Soul’s Journey: Healing your shadow & Receiving your light – two channelings received by Pamela in Egypt
Healing your shadow
❥ Sunday August 11, 2024 at 8:00 pm CET (Amsterdam timezone)*
The first channeling invites you to explore your shadow part, examining the core beliefs that keep it alive, and going to the root cause of the pain. Jeshua will talk specifically about the pain of not fitting into mainstream consciousness, of “being different” as a lightworker soul. You will be encouraged to lovingly embrace the most wounded part of you, thereby releasing the shadow.
Receiving your light
– Monday August 12, 2024 at 8:00 pm CET (Amsterdam timezone)*
In the second channeling, you will be invited to focus more on your light, on the flow of wisdom and compassion that has become part of your being and longs to be expressed through you. You will be encouraged to recognize and receive your light, to connect with your future self who has integrated the deep levels of experience you went through during your multiple lifetimes on earth and to channel your unique soul’s energy.
– You can also download the transcripts on Monday.
Please note that Your Soul’s Journey is not part of the annual subscription.
Click here for more information and registration
3. New channeling: A Time for Harvesting
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“You often think that the biggest difference is made by what you do or set down in the world, but that is not the case. Rather, it is what and who you are that makes all the difference; that is what creates an opening in the collective consciousness on Earth. By being too fixated on specific goals outside yourself – on what you want to achieve in this world – you move away from your core, your foundation, which is where the transformation is taking place. It is what is most needed in this world.
It is important that you recognize the inner world – the world of your feelings, your psyche, your thoughts – as the primary source of all creation. You have become indoctrinated by a worldview in which the inner – the intuitive and the spiritual – is neglected. There is an excessive focus on the outer world, on the material. And when you go along with that, you undermine your own powers of creation, because the source of each enduring creation is always inside you. You are not dependent on forces outside you, and your realizing this is a big step, because it sets you free from the outer world, which then loses its power over you.“
4. New article: How the Astral World Affects Us
By Gerrit Gielen
How do scientists think about human beings? They are usually concerned with our brains, or slightly more accurately, the app operating on the biological computer we call our brain. From their perspective, a human being is someone temporarily residing in a small box called the skull. If the computer or brain breaks down, then the app is no longer active, and we are no longer here. Simple and straightforward, if somewhat cold.
This is not my vision of human beings. I believe that the truth about the human being is far more expansive. The universe is infinite and everything in it is interconnected. Consciousness pervades everything and every human being is part of this one consciousness. Man is not small and finite, boxed in by time and space, but infinite and eternal.
You are not your brain; you are the universe. There could not be a greater difference.
The idea that you are your brain is based in duality, which at the deepest level is a belief that denies your oneness with the universe. A self that is not unified with the universe is a self that is separate and opposed to it. When separation takes hold, other human beings easily seem strange and mysterious, and in some people’s minds that spells danger, which calls for control, domination, and confrontation. This is how duality works, it leads to struggle and suffering on the physical level, and also on the psychological level where there is always the threat of subjugation, nothingness, and death.
Man has no death to die; (s)he is the eternal universe itself.
The conviction that we are separate distances us from the source, from unity. Some people hold on to this conviction, take it with them after their physical death, and cling to it in the afterlife. This creates an energetic sphere or field around the Earth due to their stubborn beliefs in duality. This sphere, which reflects our dualistic ideas, is called the astral plane. Even though we are on Earth, we are connected to it, it influences us and ratifies dualistic ideas and ideologies we hold within us. The astral plane around the Earth is a strong energy field that is an obstacle to making the shift from thinking dualistically to embracing and choosing Oneness. We live in an (almost) closed energetic circle called the astral sphere that perpetuates misery on Earth.
How the astral world influences us, and how we can detach ourselves from it and break the hold it has on us, is what this piece is about.
5. Audio of the Jeshua channelings “Lightworker I”, “Lightworker II” and “Lightworker III”
David O’Donnell created an audio version of “Lightworker” part I, II and III and published it, with some introductory words, on his spiritual podcast “you are the One you seek”
His audio has been added to the channelings on our website, you can listen them through the links below:
Below the whole podcast:
6. “The Forbidden Male Speaks” is now also available in ePub and Kindle formats
Good news for those who would like to read Pamela’s latest book “The Forbidden Male Speaks” on their e-reader. The book is now also available in ePub and Kindle formats.
Read a FREE excerpt
How to order
The book is available as a printed paperback and as an E book through our publisher BookLocker or online stores like Amazon. (When you order through BookLocker, we receive a substantially higher royalty rate.)
About the cover of “The Forbidden Male”

The cover illustration was designed by Gerrit and this is what was on his mind creating it:
“When Pamela asked me to think about an image for the cover I pondered what the forbidden male is.
I thought of a man who is standing on water, symbolizing that he is being carried by the feminine energy of nature instead of the heavy unnatural energies of modern society. The light of the moon, symbolizing the love of the cosmic mother, shines on him. He has turned away from the world, instead focusing on the cosmos and the stars. That is why we see his back. He follows his own path, unaffected by anyone, alone but not lonely – connected with the stars, knowing he belongs there..
I used an AI program to create the image I had in mind.”
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit