Newsletter – June 2021
- New monthly message: The next step
- New channelings
1. New monthly message: The next step

In The Jeshua Channelings, Jeshua told us that we are finishing a cycle of lifetimes in this life. At the same time, a planetary cycle is ending, as Earth is evolving toward a different vibration as well. Where are we now and what do we need to focus on in this time of transition? Jeshua will address this question, and invite us to connect with our souls and to remember our original intention for this life.
– Introduction and meditation by Gerrit Gielen
– Pamela channels Jeshua
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2. New channelings
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth
“It is the result of living from your head that causes you to always try so very hard to prove that you are someone who is worthy of being loved. You overlook who you really are, because there is always something outside yourself that you want and reach for, but by doing this you cannot be the receiving channel for your own soul’s energy. It is only when you really stand with yourself and be who you are as a human being, with all the insecurities and uncertainties that are part of being human, can you be really at Home and one with your soul. You then do not need to prove yourself; you know you are good as you are.”
The Awakening Process on Earth
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“When you incarnate, you take a plunge into the deep, you surrender; you allow yourself to be flooded by the impressions of a new life. And your earthly personality becomes conditioned and formed by the many impressions you receive. But in you is also a still place, a quiet space, that comes straight from your soul.
That quiet space comes directly from Heaven, from the cosmic dimension from where you came. It is through the art of living here on Earth that, over time, restores your connection with this place of stillness, this quiet space in your heart, in your being. The moment you find yourself within this silence, this core place, you begin to Live, with a capital L – you no longer are “lived” by the many external impulses that determine your emotions. Something is born in you, something rock solid that gives you direction, and at that moment your inner channel is open. You may remain under pressure from a lot of influences in your life, many of which do not really fit you and may not nurture you, but there is now a counterforce. You now have a solid foundation to work from, so you now can focus on the re-discovery of your self.”
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit
One thought on “Newsletter – June 2021”
Thank you very much for sharing the guidance you receive 💖