Newsletter – June 2022
- New monthly message: Releasing your family’s energy
- New channeling: The Consciousness of Earth
1. New monthly message: Releasing your family’s energy

We are born into the blueprint of our parents’ beliefs, emotional habits and family background. The soul chooses to be born to specific parents, and take on their genetic makeup, dispositions and cultural mindset, for several reasons: 1. There may be abilities and opportunities here that the soul benefits from, 2. There may be (severe) challenges that the soul wants to endure in order to learn and grow.
Lightworker souls yearn to express themselves from the heart and do so by transcending the fear or ego based part of their family’s energy. The soul does its lightwork by going beyond the family blueprint insofar as its based on fear. The light work happens as the soul transforms the old from the inside out. Releasing your birth family’s fear and control based energy helps the family line and collective consciousness as a whole move from ego based to heart based awareness.
Many lightworkers feel like strangers inside their own birth family, they feel different and misunderstood and suffer psychologically from this. Jeshua will point out how the loneliness and the sense of betrayal that may arise when you distance yourself from your family, are actually part of your soul’s journey. To release your parents’ or family’s energy is to go within and retrace your soul’s roots: your cosmic origin which predates and goes beyond your earthly personality. To release your family’s energy is to reorient yourself from the past to the future, Your future.
Jeshua addresses questions such as: how to keep a sense of harmony after you ‘drop out’, how to deal with negativity and hostility, how to release guilt or a too strong sense of empathy, pity and responsibility, and how to overcome the need to be accepted, understood, loved by your family for who you are.
– Sunday June 19 2022, 08:00 PM CEST
– Introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen
– Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
More info/order
2. The Consciousness of Earth
Pamela Kribbe channels the Earth
“About this consciousness which I am, I want to tell you something more. I am a female consciousness. I am fluid and flowing, and I know no limitations. And since I am the soul behind all life on Earth, there is a stream of unity that runs through everything – and I am it. Opposite to that unity is every unique individual soul. And because you are a unique individual, there is a dance between us, as between all individuals and the one current that I am. But that dance only works, is only creative and productive, if individual souls are aware of their connection with me. It is as with a great river: you can only relax and flow with it if you know you are part of that river, if you can feel that current and trust it.”
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit