Newsletter – March 2021
- New: Monthly messages for lightworkers
- Online channeling March 21, 2021
- Earth Speaks eBook edition
- New Channelings
New: Monthly messages for lightworkers

Every third Sunday of the month by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen
This is a time of intense collective transformation from ego to heart. We are letting go of fear based consciousness and are moving towards a consciousness of love and abundance. During this transition there is a lot of confusion, insecurity and sometimes despair.
The most important support in these times of change is to recognize the voice of your own soul and feel that you are included in a field of kindred spirits. The monthly messages provide information on current issues in the lives of lightworkers and include you in a field of awareness and compassion.
Each month the channeled messages are aligned with the energy of the present moment, but will regularly address central lightworker themes such as:
❥ Emotional healing of old pain
❥ Loneliness and being different
❥ High sensitivity
❥ Soul encounters
❥ Destructive versus healing relationships
❥ Finding the work of your heart
❥ Fear of self-expression
❥ Coming into your power and discovering your soul’s path
Each time the message channeled by Pamela is complemented by a meditation from Gerrit.
Besides conveying timely information, the monthly messages also aim to connect you with like-minded people who are walking a similar path as you.
The messages are released every third Sunday of the month by Lightraisers Worldwide and listened to together, creating a field of recognition and loving connection.
Online channeling March 21, 2021
”The lightworker’s identity” will be the first channeling of the ‘Monthly messages for lightworkers’ by Pamela Kribbe and Gerrit Gielen.
He will tune into the present day situation, the challenges humanity is facing, and explain what role lightworkers can play in it.
Jeshua will speak about who lightworker souls are, their cosmic origin and their purpose on earth.
Also, he will address some major pitfalls that lightworkers – due to their psychological make up – often run into and point out how to avoid these.
Click here for more information and registration
Please note that registration and payment are handled by Lightraisers Worldwide and not by us. Please contact them in case you have questions about how to sign up.
Earth Speaks eBook edition
Our newly published book EARTH SPEAKS is now also available as eBook edition.
It can be purchased through the following stores:
Amazon Store
BN Store
Apple Store
Kobo Store
Or you can order it directly from our publisher Booklocker
New Channelings
Let Your Body be Your Guide
Pamela Kribbe channels Mother Earth
“When you know that life is good, that the universe offers you a grounding in which you can develop and grow; when you can experience that positive feeling, then are you able to truly relax. The ability to feel secure and to relax are inseparable; you can not relax if you feel unsafe. A part of you then pulls back, is not entirely present, and can not participate in the flow of positive growth, in the joy that is natural to you. When you feel tense, you cut yourself off from the wonder of life. You cause yourself to be somewhat dead inside. Out of fear, you turn away from life and, therefore, you will not see all the possibilities that life offers. You limit yourself to what you know and to what makes you feel safe. But real security does not come from restrictions or rules. True security comes from the feeling that all is good, even though you do not know with your mind how and what and where all this is going.”
Give Space to the Child Within You
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“You become the greatest teacher, and an example for others, when you show your vulnerability. When you heal yourself in openness, and dare to show your deepest pain, you create a space of light around you, and this light is infectious and attractive to others. When someone bows deeply to their own inner wounds, and gives expression to that surrender for others to see – a sound, a voice, a gesture – then this is love. That is the layer on which old traumas can be healed: the layer of openness, vulnerability, and of allowing your deepest pains and wounds to be revealed. When you do that, you transcend them. You are the hand that holds your hurting inner child, and you become that hand the moment you take pity on the child.”
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit
One thought on “Newsletter – March 2021”
SOOooooo Beautiful! Thank you All for All that You Do! It is truly appreciated!
God Bless with Light and Love,