Newsletter – March 2023
- New monthly message: Healthy and unhealthy forms of anger in lightworkers
- New channeling: Joy of Life
- Free eBook: On death and dying
1. New monthly message: Healthy and unhealthy forms of anger in lightworkers
Jeshua will speak about anger as an emotion that can be both destructive and creative. Destructive forms of anger are widespread and they are characterized by the inability to deal with one’s own emotional wounds consciously and responsibly. However, there’s also a form of anger that springs forth from a sense of truth and clarity. Jeshua wants to address the difference between both and explain how lightworkers can deal in a conscious way with their anger about the injustice and suffering in the world.
2. New channeling: Joy of Life
Pamela kribbe channels Earth
“The movement toward surrender, to letting go, seems to be a step into nothingness, into a deep, dark hole. But that is something you have been made to believe. You have come to believe that it is necessary to take control of your life with your mind and your will. And that is a very human thing to do, because only humans are capable of free will. Compared with the other creatures of nature, you have many more capabilities, and it is tempting to want to shape life using your will and thought. But if this determination takes the upper hand, your vision becomes narrow. You are restricted by what you perceive from your perspective, as well as the ideas you derive from others.”
3. Free eBook “On death and dying”
This eBook contains four texts about death and the dying process. Two texts written by Gerrit and two channelings by Pamela. All these texts are available on but we thought it might be valuable to bring them together in one bundle.
To die is the liberation of the soul, the caterpillar becoming a butterfly of light; it is not losing yourself but becoming more of yourself. We leave behind a world of fear, struggle and violence and enter a world of light, love, freedom and oneness. We awaken, remember who we really are, and are surrounded by unconditional love.
Are there no problems then? Yes, we do take ourselves with us, and especially all the erroneous ideas we have about ourselves and the world that we have internalized over the course of our lives. They are the greatest hindrance in accepting the wonderful reality.
Fear of death is essentially fear of your true self.
We hope this booklet can help you to overcome that fear and accept the eternal light that you are.

Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit