Newsletter – March 2024
- New monthly message March 17: The Lightworker’s Journey 5. Expressing your wisdom and light
- New channeling: Being Alone
2. New monthly message March 17: The Lightworker’s Journey 5. Expressing your wisdom and light
Connect with the highest part of yourself and discover how your light wants to express itself on earth. Jeshua offers guidance about how to recognize the frequency of heart based energy inside you, feeling your soul’s wisdom and passion, and going beyond the fear of self expression.
2. New channeling: Being Alone
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“And this takes me to the next point I want to bring to your attention, that this aloneness is a part of you. It is born from the fact that you bring something new into the world because you are a pioneer and you are different. Embrace that aloneness, that loneliness, which is part of you.
You are sometimes afraid to experience that loneliness. You feel a distance between how you think, feel, and perceive, and how the persons around you react: those persons in your work environment, or in your family, or whatever the situation you are in. This feeling of being different creates the need to return to yourself, to be alone, to withdraw yourself, but it also calls up loneliness and fear in you of being separate and an outcast.”

Take care and warm regards
Pamela and Gerrit