Newsletter – November 2023
- New monthly message November 19: The Lightworker’s Journey III. Pitfalls of lightworkers
- New channeling: Coming Into Your Own Strength
- New Audio
1. New monthly message November 19: The Lightworker’s Journey III. Pitfalls of lightworkers
Jeshua will adress two major pitfalls of lightworker souls:
- Giving too much: lightworkers want to change the world for the better but their idealism has to be rooted in a deep awareness of what it means to be human and to go through the extremes of duality. Naive idealism, or giving without a real sense of what is needed and appropriate to give, is a pitfall which causes lightworkers to feel disappointed, drained, misunderstood and out of touch with their true soul’s purpose.
- Spiritual rage: if, on the other hand, lightworkers become very judgmental and angry about the lack of consciousness in the world, they fall into the pitfall of becoming bitter and feeling aggressively superior. This blocks their inner growth, because they then tend to overlook their own shadow sides and lose themselves in conspiracy theories or in dualistic notions about “light against dark”.
Jeshua addresses the question of how to be “in the world” while avoiding these pitfalls and staying connected with the joy and peace of heart based consciousness.
2. New channeling: Coming Into Your Own Strength
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“Today, we have discussed strength, about coming into your own strength, and what that means. In human development, strength or power has become identified with the use of the mind and with thought, and that is a big mistake. The controlling, manipulating, mastering of life by way of the mind, the intellect, has become the definition of power. You can see, as you look around you, how much we know and can produce. You can see our skills everywhere, and how we can even manipulate the human body. If you would ask humanity to point to its highest display of power, its greatest achievement, it would point to the fruits of technological progress, which in essence involves the power to transform nature and life itself into our idea of how things should be, and then to control them.
But, strangely enough, when you do that you take the “life” out of life. You kill it, so you can arrange and re-structure it to your own concepts: those of your mind. In its essence, this movement toward arranging and structuring life is born out of fear. It is the fear of not daring to move along on the great movements of life which are associated with the changing of the seasons, with birth and death, a child growing up, the blossoming of sexuality, the dance between man and woman. All creative forces of an artist or of a mother rearing children, everything humans do, stem from a deep inner flow of inspiration and creativity which cannot be grasped, contained, or understood merely by the mind.”
3. New Audio
Karin Love has recorded two channelings. Below are the links.
Thank you Karin!

Take care and warm regards
Pamela and Gerrit