Newsletter – October 2024
- New monthly message October 20 – What happens after ascension?
- The Forbidden Female Speaks in Egypt (Retreat January 2025)
- November 3 – Online event for Chinese lightworkers: Lightworkers and the Flow of Abundance
- New channeling: The Core of Your Problem
- Audio of the Jeshua channelings: “Letting Go of your Birth Family”, “Male and Female Energy”, “Dealing with Emotions” and “Sexuality and Spirituality”
1. New monthly message October 20 – What happens after ascension?
The final part of The soul’s journey towards conscious creation Part 6: What happens after ascension?
When you reach the level of conscious creation, you are free to jump off the “wheel of karma” and evolve in new ways. Jeshua explains what happens after ascension and invites you to connect with the sense of freedom and true creativity that belongs to this level.
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen
Click here for more information and registration
2. The Forbidden Female Speaks in Egypt (Retreat January 2025)
- One week retreat on the Nile in Luxor (16 to 23 January 2025) with excursions to impressive ancient temples and sacred places
- Three workshops by Pamela on healing the feminine energy and bringing the forbidden female within to life. With channelings of Mary Magdalene and Jeshua
- Accommodation in a 4/5 star hotel, in a single room, with stunning views of the Nile, swimming pool and beautiful garden

Click here for more information and registration
3. November 3 – Online event for Chinese lightworkers: Lightworkers and the Flow of Abundance
Click here for more information and registration
4. New channeling: The Core of Your Problem
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“In almost all people is a thought that you must earn love, that you have to work toward changing yourself in order to be worthy of love. There is a deep shame in most of you that breeds unworthiness: you feel you need to apologize, to justify yourself. It is an attitude that many of you have. At the same time, there is such longing for love, for relaxation, and for the freedom to be who you are. And that means you find yourself in a continual battle with life.
I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Try to observe that energy that is in yourself. You might see it as a face or a form, a color or a shape – whatever you see is okay.
Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned. That fear is there in everyone. You became separated from the whole – at least that is how it felt – when you, as an individual soul, left on your way into the unknown. In that moment of separation, which was essentially the birth of the soul, there was distress caused by an alienation from Home, from the Source out of which you originated. That alienation, that feeling of being lost, was necessary, because it forced you to begin your search; you were, so to say, “thrown into the deep end”. For the first time, there was anxiety in your consciousness, and you went looking for wholeness.”
5. Audio of the Jeshua channelings: “Letting Go of your Birth Family”, “Male and Female Energy“, “Dealing with Emotions” and “Sexuality and Spirituality”
David O’Donnell created an audio versions of “Letting Go of your Birth Family”, “Male and Female Energy“, “Dealing with Emotions” and “Sexuality and Spirituality” and published these channelings, with some introductory words, on his spiritual podcast “you are the One you seek”
His audio has been added to the channelings on our website, click on the links above.
Here are the full podcasts:
Here you can find a complete playlist.
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit
One thought on “Newsletter – October 2024”
I just wanted to say thank you for such a beautiful letter… The Core of your Problem…. talks to me so much and just wanted to express my gratitude ….