Newsletter – September 2024
- New monthly message September 15 – Challenges for the old soul who takes on the role of spiritual teacher
- The Forbidden Female Speaks in Egypt (Retreat January 2025)
- September 22 – Online event for Chinese lightworkers
- New channeling: The Fire in Your Belly
- New article: Parenting in the Period of Transition
- Audio of the Jeshua channelings: “Time, Multidimensionality, and your Light Self” and “Who is Jeshua?”
1. New monthly message September 15 – Challenges for the old soul who takes on the role of spiritual teacher
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua with an introductory meditation by Gerrit Gielen
The soul’s journey towards conscious creation. Part 5: The role of lightworkers or spiritual teachers: Challenges for the old soul who takes on the role of spiritual teacher.
As you slowly reach the stage of conscious creation, marked by a deeper sense of peace and clarity, there is a desire in the soul to share light and knowledge with others. In this channeling, Jeshua goes into the joys and challenges faced by souls who aspire to teach or heal.
Tuning moment: Sunday September 15 2024 at 8:00 p.m* CET (Amsterdam timezone) or whenever you decide to listen to it afterwards, from your own comfy space: home.
Click here for more information and registration
2. The Forbidden Female Speaks in Egypt (Retreat January 2025)
- One week retreat on the Nile in Luxor (16 to 23 January 2025) with excursions to impressive ancient temples and sacred places
- Three workshops by Pamela on healing the feminine energy and bringing the forbidden female within to life. With channelings of Mary Magdalene and Jeshua
- Accommodation in a 4/5 star hotel, in a single room, with stunning views of the Nile, swimming pool and beautiful garden

Click here for more information and registration
3. September 22 – Online event for Chinese lightworkers
For our Chinese readers: there will be an online event on September 22. Pamela will offer a live channeling and Q&A with Jeshua about high sensitivity in lightworkers, with simultaneous Chinese translation. For info and registration click on the image below.
4. New channeling: The Fire in Your Belly
Pamela channels Mary Magdalene
“Many of you long for another reality, another vibration that brings more ease, more harmony, and greater inspiration. It takes much effort to be fully incarnated here because of old energies of pain and heaviness that hinder you, and sometimes you get buried under the weight of the negativity of the past. I am here to encourage you to believe in yourself.
You are one of those who come to bring about change, a new beginning. The spark of light in you is not extinguished, it is alive, and that is why you are here. Feel this fire, this light in your heart. I am with you and touch you with a gentle gesture to remind you of this. I do not want to force anything from you; I would like you to make yourself great and to realize who you are.”
5. New article: Parenting in the Period of Transition
By Gerrit
The world is changing rapidly; a new time is coming. The era in which man considered himself to be omnipotent and master over nature is coming to an end. When it happens, it will leave us not only wiser but more in position to return to paradise, a more harmonious world where there is harmony between people and between people and nature. And oh, how we need to return to a world where people are no longer alienated from their own souls.
It begs the question₋₋what are the ramifications for children who are being born now? What do they need and how will they wish to be raised? If the world is at a tipping point, which is quite evident to most people, then our existing educational formula is too. Children follow their elders. If we shift our thinking to envision the world in a completely unique way, our children will surely follow suit, but for this to truly and genuinely occur and for it to make lasting changes on earth, it rests on parents to raise their children differently.
In the past, the goal of educators was to teach and prepare students to survive in the existing society. Once they accomplished that, after a couple of decades of instruction, the child would graduate to adulthood, and in most cases, I’m sorry to say, were more or less alienated from themselves and their dreams. Education was a slow, grinding process, which in the end managed to separate the child from any knowledge or relationship he or she had with their soul. School’s main function was to prepare children to fit into society and after years of this wearying, deadening process, the child was more than trained in their transition from a world of love into a world of fear.
In this present time, the new, refreshing goal of education is to ensure that the child’s soul flourishes. This time around, if we decree it, the mature, educated personality would be taught how to act as a channel through which the light of their soul could radiate into the world to nourish it with love and to create more beauty.
Parents have it hard these days because they sense that their ideas are worn out and of little use to their children. They know their approach is not working. They know that to push old ideas onto these new souls coming into the earth plane would only result in making the child rebellious, even sick, and depressed. Increasingly, we read about the rise of mental and psychological problems in kids who cannot find meaning in their lives, nor fit into the existing system. Inside, they are uninterested in a world they can’t relate to, so why would they want anything to do with it? It is from this strong stance that they will force their parents, and entire societies to change their thinking, and thus, their behavior.
6. Audio of the Jeshua channelings: “Time, Multidimensionality, and your Light Self“, “Pitfalls on the way to becoming a healer” and “Who is Jeshua?“
David O’Donnell created an audio version of “”Time, Multidimensionality, and your Light Self“, “Pitfalls on the way to becoming a healer” and “Who is Jeshua?” and published it, with some introductory words, on his spiritual podcast “you are the One you seek”
His audio has been added to the channelings on our website, click on the links above.
Here are the full podcasts:
Here you can find a complete playlist.
Take care and warm regards,
Pamela and Gerrit