Newsletter December 2016

Dear reader,

There are two new channelings available on

The Message of Darkness

"Life gives you, to begin with, your own portion of “darkness”, to call it that. You are faced inwardly with fears and outwardly with events that you seemingly cannot handle. Yet, it is precisely those events and those difficult emotions that attract your deepest knowing, your core, your inner light. It is especially because of the “dark night of the soul” that the light of your own soul becomes visible to you. It is not a light from outside you, but only the light from within you that can guide you through the dark night of the soul, because it throws you back upon yourself and your own inner resources"

How do You Recognize Your Soul's Plan?

"Today, we are talking about the soul's plan and how you recognize it in your everyday life. For many, it is difficult to recognize the direction and goal of their soul's purpose, because you often feel lost in this world. It is important to be able to go inward and to recognize yourself as the soul that you are, to make a connection with your infinite essence, and from there to look at the world around you. Only in relation to your essence, to your soul, do you feel truly free and safe. Free to spread your wings, and safe, because the power of the soul is not bound to the Earth – it is unlimited. Feel that power for a moment – know who you are – and feel that force deep in your body. That force is your soul, here and now."

Hope you enjoy the new material!

Warm regards,

Gerrit and Pamela


Books by Pamela Kribbe