Dear readers,
We are pleased to announce a new workshop in France offered by Gerrit in October: "Finding your life's purpose." Gerrit has also written an article about this subject. Futhermore there is a new channeling from Pamela: “Images of Unworthiness.”
- Workshop "Finding your life's purpose"
- Article "Finding your life's purpose"
- Channeling "Images of Unworthiness"
Knowing your true essence,
sensing your place in life,
being truly you.
A weekend workshop with Gerrit Gielen
Dates: Friday 6th October to Sunday 8th October 2017
Location: Villelongue d'Aude, (Near Limoux), Occitanie, France.
Public: English & French speaking (interpreter present throughout workshop)
Price: 190€ / person
In the remarkable and renowned Cathar country, which lies between the Pyrenean
mountains and the Mediterranean sea, Gerrit Gielen will be hosting a small,
privileged workshop which will take participants on a powerful journey to meet with
their innermost selves.
Gerrit Gielen, therapist (psychotherapy, hypnotherapy,
regression) and writer for over 30 years, has hosted workshops
in Europe and all over the world both alone and with Pamela
Kribbe. He is holding this weekend workshop in the picturesque
village of Villelongue d'Aude, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, an
area he is fond of and where he has already hosted several
Using guided meditations, he will accompany and invite participants on an inward journey to encounter their inner selves and to perceive the unique energy of their souls. He will also be offering the fruit of his rich experience as therapist as well as his remarkable intuition, and sharing his own thoughts and understanding of the nature of the soul and how we can express our unique nature and talents in our earthly lives. This workshop will include a time for each participant to share their experiences and to ask Gerrit personal questions if they wish, to help gain insight and clarity in the themes that he will be addressing over the weekend.
The workshop will consist of three sessions which will take us through three main steps on this personal journey. Each session will each include a combination of presentations, guided meditations, exchanges, and a time for questions and answers with Gerrit.
Part 1 (Friday evening): Getting in contact with the energy of your soul. Allowing yourself to feel who you really are.
Part 2 (Saturday morning): Becoming aware of the things that are blocking the energy of your soul. These are often old fear-based ideas from the world around you that you have internalized. Conceptions of how things should be and how you should live.
Part 3 (Sunday morning): Expressing yourself, letting the energy of your soul flow freely into the world. This is finding your life’s purpose.
This workshop is open to both French and English speakers. Gerrit will be speaking in English and his interpreter, Kate Bentley, will be providing French translations throughout the entire workshop.
There will be a short break during each of the three of workshop sessions, where light refreshments will be provided.
Mealtimes offer an enjoyable opportunity for participants (and hosts!) to meet each other and weather permitting, to admire the beautiful view from the garden of our host's home, François Deroo, who has received both Gerrit and Pamela a number of times and who is known for his warm and enthusiastic welcome. Tasty, organic, vegetarian, meals will be prepared and served at the workshop venue throughout the weekend (from Friday evening to Sunday evening). Meals are optional and participants are invited to book lunch and/or evening meals, as well as breakfasts if required, when they register (payable separately from the workshop, price 3€/breakfast, 13€/lunch, 10€/evening meal). Participants are also welcome to bring their own food and share mealtimes with the group this way if they prefer.
After lunch on Saturday, our host François will be organising an afternoon excursion in the beautiful surrounding area and sharing his knowledge of local history and culture, for those who wish to discover some remarkable Cathar country sites. Transport will be provided for the group with a mini-coach. This excursion is optional and a small participation will be requested to cover the costs involved (approx 15-20€ per person).
Photo: Gerrit Gielen
Villelongue d'Aude
Workshop schedule:
Friday 6th
3-4pm: Arrivals, registration.
5-8pm: First workshop session with Gerrit Gielen.
Saturday 7th
10am – 1pm: Second workshop sessionwith Gerrit Gielen.
1pm: Lunch
2.30-7.30pm (approx): Afternoon excursion (optional)
8pm Dinner
Sunday 8th
10am -1pm: Third workshop session with Gerrit Gielen.
1pm: Lunch
(It is possible for participants to stay in Villelongue after the workshop. An evening
meal will be available on Sunday evening and François will happily arrange a second
afternoon excursion if there is a small group of participants interested.)
8pm: Dinner
For information & bookings: please contact François Deroo by email at or by telephone on +33 (0) 430 075 129 (landline) or +33 (0)687 501 094 (mobile).
By Gerrit Gielen
"What is our life’s purpose? It is a question many people ask. If we approach it from a biological point of view the answer is simple: to stay alive and reproduce. So it is all about survival of the species, or even more materialistically: survival of your genes. You are your body, and your body is just a vehicle making sure you genes reproduce themselves. Religion of course teaches us something completely different. God created us, and we are here to serve God."
If you like this article you might also be interested in following the workshop.
For the whole article, see, section News or "Articles" in the menu on the left
Channeling by Pamela Kribbe
"I appeal to you to let go of old and false images of unworthiness. I want to speak to you today about self-esteem and self-empowerment; about daring to stand up and believe in the fire that you carry inside. This fire is your Light; it wants to burn brightly here and now. But each of you has taken in so much false information about who you are and who you should be, that there has been a weakening of your spiritual power and your originality, your uniqueness. At this time in the evolution of humanity, new spiritual forces are being liberated, and that can only happen completely and truly through the people who are now living on Earth."
For the whole message, see, section News or Series "Mornings with Jeshua" in the menu on the left
Warm regards,
Gerrit and Pamela
Books by Pamela Kribbe