- New channelings and article on high sensitivity
- E-book: The Egypt channelings - From fear to joy
- My connection with Egypt and charity project
- My house in Luxor available for rent
We would like to share with you two new channelings by Pamela and a new article by Gerrit which have been published on jeshua.net :
Guilt and Fear in Highly Sensitive
Article by Gerrit Gielen
Highly sensitive people carry a light, beautiful energy, nevertheless during
their early childhood they often pick up many dark and heavy energies. As
adults, they tend to struggle with that energy. In this article, I try to
explain what causes this to happen and what they can do about it.
The Taboo Against Individuality
(Pamela channels Mary Magdalene)
A life on Earth – every one of your lives on Earth – is an important and
valuable contribution to your soul's path, including the negative experiences.
The pain you experience now, at this time, is like a stone that falls into
water and causes many ripples on the surface. The effect of a painful or
traumatic experience creates ripples throughout time; you will again experience
those ripples at other times and other places. As a result, you will come to
fully understand that past experience and to value it, and when you do, you
send back healing to that point of pain in your history.
Three Children
(Pamela channels Earth)
Today, I want to speak to you about the portion of your body where the most
pain is stored. With that pain comes the inability to really receive, to deeply
embrace yourself, and to truly “stand on your own two feet”.
A new
E-book is available which contains recent channelings I received in Egypt when
doing workshops there with groups. The booklet contains 7 messages from Isis,
Jeshua and Mary Magdalene about liberating ourselves from fear and connecting
with the flow of joy inside us. The proceeds I will largely donate to a charity
project in the city of Luxorthat I became involved in.
In the following section, I will explain a bit more about my connection with Egypt and the charity project.
Since two years, I have been visiting Egypt on a regular basis, doing workshops there for groups and making excursions to the temples and tombs of the old days. Gradually, I started to feel very connected to the country, and not just to these magnificent ancient sites which carry a refined spiritual energy that profoundly touches me. I also started to feel increasingly touched by the people there, how they welcomed me, their natural exuberance and zest for life, their fondness of music and dance, their quirky sense of humour and the ability to smile and make jokes even in the most dire of circumstances. And there’s no doubt that the circumstances are very challenging for a lot of people nowadays.
I have witnessed suffering on different levels and I have by now read quite a few books on the history and on the political and socio-economic situation of present day Egypt, which made me understand the many complicated reasons why the current situation is as it is. I will summarize what has impressed me most, knowing that I cannot draw a complete picture or do justice to the details. There is material poverty in Egypt: in the worst cases there is an actual lack of food or clothes or a roof above one’s head, but even if this is taken care of, the lack of decent employment, the low quality of education (there’s still a high rate of illiteracy) and the lack of good quality health care are factors which influence people’s lives greatly.
However, as I am seeing it, the most heart breaking poverty is not primarily material; it is the lack of possibilities to develop oneself and express one’s individual gifts and talents that really degrades the human spirit. Everything is focused on survival. Almost every life decision revolves around the question if there’s enough money. It’s very hard to preserve a sense of creativity and freedom in those circumstances.
Apart from financial problems, there are other causes for the lack of freedom to develop oneself according to one’s own individual nature. It’s also tied in with a religious and cultural tradition which keeps men and women separate from each other; which forces men to be the protector and provider of the family up to the point that all their life energy is drained by it, whereas women are only minimally encouraged to develop skills and talents apart from being a wife and a mother. I have seen the lives of men from close-by, because I interact mostly with them when I am there with my groups. They seem to have more freedom than the women who sit at home mostly, however the circumstances they are dealing with (either very low wages for long work days or unemployment and the shame associated with it) are not anything to be jealous of. The women of Egypt are still largely invisible to me, although I know some of them personally and it’s hard to imagine for me how limited their possibilities are and how much talent and creativity gets lost by the restrictions imposed on them by tradition and religion.
Both men and women suffer from the lack of real communication between them; they live in separate worlds and it is like the men are cut off from their feminine energy (they must be tough and controlling all the time) and the women are cut off from their masculine energy (they must follow and be the caregivers, giving up their freedom and independence). And I see the suffering in their eyes, perhaps the more because these eyes are so expressive and full of life.
It’s both the lack of material means and the lack of inner freedom and wholeness that instilled the desire in me to try and make a little difference. I know that from a spiritual perspective, each soul chooses the circumstances in which it is born and that the challenges it will meet, such as poverty and hardship, may be part of what the soul needs or wants to experience. However, having seen the poverty and hardship from up close, I just know deep down that humanly speaking there is something terribly wrong with it. In several moments, it hit me like a hammer and I realized that we as humanity are deeply connected to each other, that we are truly one, and that we cannot enter into a space of true happiness and peace while others are so utterly deprived of basic care and possibilities.
So how can I make a contribution, even if it is very limited? I feel I am invited to do this in two ways, the first way largely invisible and the second way more concrete and palpable.
The invisible part has to do with being there with groups of likeminded people, when I organise trips doing workshops and visiting the ancient sites. The groups consist of people who are determined to make their way to heart-based consciousness, even though we all are wounded by the past and are still full of doubts and anxieties at times. I feel our presence makes a subtle difference to the collective energy there. The way we feel and think about things, the way we smile or talk with people, these small everyday interactions make a difference.
Also, the Christ energy I channel during my workshops there is often strong and intense; I feel it is magnified by the fact that Egypt is really a power spot, a bundle of cosmic energies. This makes a difference in ways I cannot understand with my mind but I know it affects not just the people in my groups but has a wider impact.
Then the more concrete part. When I’m in Egypt, I usually stay in Luxor, which is a city in the middle of the country surrounded by a wealth of old monuments (temples and tombs). I feel oddly at home there and some months ago, I met a Dutch woman, Sabine Borkes, who lives there permanently and who runs a small charity project, devoted to alleviating the suffering of the poorest people in Luxor. Apart from monthly food packages, she and her Egyptian partner provide short term assistance to people in need of medical care, clothes, or housing improvements. I immediately felt their sincerity and integrity and felt drawn to become involved in the project.
Their latest initiative is to help build a school for children aged 5-7 years which will help them develop basic language skills in Arabic and English and also to provide them with a safe space to be and play with each other. I met the local imam who created this place, and was touched by his idealism and his concern for the community. I have my reservations about the Islamic religion for obvious reasons, but I have also experienced that the way people express their muslim faith in Egypt is far more peaceful than I expected based on what I read in the media. I have up to now not felt any desire in them to convince or ‘convert’ me in any way. What I felt in this imam is a genuine dedication to his community and I was very touched by it.
The aim of the school is not just to provide Kindergarten classes to children from a poor and troubled background, but also in the future to provide classes for women who want to educate themselves. Right now, the construction of the school is delayed by lack of funds; there is no government support, this is a private initiative based on the imam’s own financial contribution and on donations from foreigners (who contribute to Sabine’s charity project). I would really like them to be able to finish this school which will be more than a school; it will be a place which offers care and support to children and women and strengthen the sense of community in all of them. I wondered how I could expand my ability to make a donation and this is how my idea of the E-book was born.
The E-book contains channelings which were received by me in Egypt. The messages address our specific relation with ancient Egypt and more generally are about the transition from ego- or fear based consciousness to heart-based consciousness. I think we all know how intense and challenging the transition process can be, and I hope the E-book will offer encouragement and insight into this very intense birthing process, in which we are letting go of millennia old programming and are moving into a new level of awareness that is still far removed from mass consciousness.
I will donate a substantial part of the proceeds to the charity project I just described and I am thanking you beforehand for enabling me to do so.
In case you would like to donate directly to the charity project in Luxor, please contact Sabine Borkes at sborkes@hotmail.com for more information.
I am very grateful and happy to currently have my own home in Luxor, where I will be staying several times a year and where my workshops will take place as well. It’s a newly built, self standing villa in a quiet place on the West bank with a wonderful view of the mountains. It’s a 5 minutes walk to the Nile and 10 minutes away from shops and restaurants. The house has two spacious bed rooms, a living room with an open kitchen, bath room, high speed Wifi, air conditioning, veranda and garden. I’m so delighted to have my own little oasis in Egypt!
When I’m not there, the house is available for rent. The practical organisation is in the hands of my Egyptian friend Ayman Abounaga; we own the house together and he will be taking care of your practical needs and questions when you are there. He is fluent in English and German.
If you’re interested, Ayman will be happy to also organise visits for you to the impressive monuments in and around Luxor. He is a licensed Egyptologist and experienced guide who I cooperate with on my trips and who is both knowledgeable and passionate about the temples and tombs. He is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ayman.abounaga.7
The house will be available for rent from November onward. (Price: 30 euro per night, 180 euro per week, including Wifi). If you are interested or have questions, please contact me at pamela@jeshua.net
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Warm regards,
Gerrit and Pamela
Books by Pamela Kribbe