Hi everyone,
We are
happy to share two new channelings with you, tell something about the charity project and announce a new trip in Egypt.
The trip I
am organising end of February has as its theme: “ Isis returns – healing the wounded heart”. I believe we are all going through a
major transition these days, leaving no stone unturned in our lives. Relationships,
work, health….several issues may challenge us deeply and the reason it can get
so intense is that we are not just solving issues from our current life but
from other lives as well; our soul seeks to reintegrate and heal (all of) the
past in this lifetime. This means we sometimes have to face a lot of inner
darkness, which can drive us to despair. However, it also means we are on the
verge of a breakthrough to another way of living: heart-based instead of
fear-based, free in stead of chained to the past.
The trip I’m organising is for those who recognise themselves in this and who would like to be with like-minded people, in a country and place that holds the keys to many issues we are facing today, issues which are very real and timely yet carry traces from experiences we had in ancient times.
The Inner Journey
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary
In your everyday life, you become absorbed with the activities of the day, and the people and situations that draw your attention. And so you waver, because you continually observe the world through your senses: your eyes, ears, and nose. Sensory impressions can deprive you of the vision of your inner reality, your inner dimension. Furthermore, you have been trained to think far too much, to gather and organize information from your environment with your mind, and from there to respond to the world. But the
dimension of the spiritual world, which, in fact, runs through you and of which you are also part, is literally very close when you know how to enter into it.
In fact, entering into the inner world is about stepping back from the outer world and becoming fully anchored in your body and feelings. Your intuition and your body are two of the ways, two bridges as it were, which enable you to turn inward. If you consciously enter into your body, it provides a way to come closer to what is spiritual within you. You then, literally, let go of the outer world, that world of the senses, the world of crowds and noise around you, and you become aware once again of you!
Receiving the New Earth in Yourself
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth
Before I want to say something about this new era, and the arrival of the new Earth, I ask that you first receive my love. That you allow me to go deeper and deeper within you with each breath. That you let my energy flow through your legs up to your waist, so you feel that you may rest and let go. That you may relax deeply like a child who is not yet fully living according to clock time and the standards of society. In the beginning of his or her life, a baby is more a child of the Earth; it moves with natural
moods and emotions, with the rhythms of day and night, of play and rest.
In this new
year, I am pleased to return to my beloved Egypt for another trip. This will
be a five day retreat in Luxor
at the end of February, combining workshops with visits to the most impressive
temples and tombs.
But before telling you more about this, I first would like to thank all of you who supported my charity work in Luxor by buying the E-book “From fear to joy”. In one of my last newsletters, I told you about the project of building a Kindergarten school in Luxor for children with a very poor background, and your generous support has substantially helped to finish the ground floor of the school (three rooms including the paining of it and the furniture). Lessons will start this month and everyone is very happy with the result.
I’m grateful to all of you and would like to thank in particular three of my translators in Rumania, France and Denmark who offered to translate the book for free, which enabled me to sell the book in other languages as well.
It’s wonderful to experience the sincere generosity of so many people around the world; we are truly connected and we are connected through our humanity. When we see suffering in other humans, we realize that we are all the same, regardless of our cultural background and history. It’s always a challenge for me to witness the poverty in Egypt , the lack of opportunities most of all, but the Egyptian people are also teaching me a lot about the art of living; how to smile and dance and love in the midst of tragedy and hardship. I don’t really like the word charity at all; for me it’s more about sharing our experiences as human beings, sharing with each other the unique gifts that belong to every culture, tradition and individual.
Spiritual journey to Egypt with Pamela Kribbe –
February 21 - 26, 2019
Since a few years, I have been profoundly touched by the energy of Egypt: the beauty and splendor of the ancient temples, the wisdom present in its old culture and the powerful yet nurturing presence of mother Earth there.
In February 2019, I will organise a trip for a group of 10 people maximum, combining three workshops with visits to the most renowned temples and tombs in and around Luxor.
The aim of the trip is to reconnect with your soul’s purpose for this life, to address both the wounded part of you and the part that is free and wants to move forward.
During this 6-day trip you will stay in a 4 star hotel with a lovely garden and swimming pool overlooking the Nile. From there we will make daytrips to the various monuments under the supervision of a licensed and experienced guide (Facebook page Hassan Haggag)
There will be three workshops on three afternoons and in each of them I will offer an introduction, channelling and Q&A round. Throughout the week, each participant will have the opportunity to ask two personal questions and receive a channelled answer to it.
WORKSHOP I The wound of separation
At the bottom of our fears, negative emotions and destructive relationship patterns is a deep wound: the feeling of being separated from the Whole, being a meaningless fragment, disconnected from love, joy and safety. This creates the sensation of an empty hole inside of us, which we desperately seek to fill with different things, for instance success, recognition, romantic infatuation, possessions or addictions. Most of us find out at some point that none of this works. We find out through crisis or conscious spiritual effort or both. The question then becomes: how do I fill this hole inside, how do you I heal the wound of separation in me?
Through channelling and Q&A, this question will be addressed in various ways; the aim is to make you discover your own way of healing yourself.
WORKSHOP II Healing the wound of the feminine and the masculine
Struggling with our wound of separation, we hope for healing in our intimate relationships. However, there are wounds in both the masculine and the feminine energy which can create misunderstanding and emotional pain between the sexes. How can we integrate the feminine and masculine energies inside ourselves, and move from relationships based on need and want to ones based on true companionship and abundance?
Through channelling and Q&A, this question will be addressed in various ways; the aim is to get a deeper understanding of your own relationships and how to let go of patterns of fear and dependence.
DAY III Living from the heart
As we heal the wound of separation inside ourselves, the heart energy can slowly take over and guide us in our everyday life. How do we connect with our soul, our intuition and how do we distinguish between the voice of the heart and the voices of fear and doubt? What contribution do we like to make to the world of today, what is our unique gift and how do we express it?
Through channelling and Q&A, this question will be explored and you are encouraged to listen to your own heart and trust its guidance.
All channelings and Q&A will be recorded and sent to you afterwards by e-mail.
through the old, magnificent temples of Egypt, I sense an energy there that
uplifts me and makes me feel joyful without reason. As I tune more deeply into
this sensation, I feel connected to the energy of Isis, the Egyptian goddess of
love and life, sometimes compared with the energy of mother Mary, which might
be the Christian counterpart of this archetypical feminine energy.
However that may be, I often channel Isis during my workshops there, and am inspired by the sense of lightness and joy that pervades me when I do so. For me, undertaking this journey to Egypt is a celebration of the old yet ever fresh and young energy of Isis, the goddess of love and abundance. Isis is the heart energy in every one of us, man or woman, unscathed by the heavy and dense energies of this world.
In ancient Egypt, her energy was present in the temples and art of that time, but it was never completely received, similar to how the Christ energy could not be fully integrated on earth when Jeshua delivered his message of love and hope. Earth society was still too much in the grip of fear and power struggle to turn these impulses into new ways of relating to each other; they were like seeds laying dormant and waiting to awaken.
In part the seeds are still waiting…. and not outside of us, but inside.
However, consciousness is changing right now, there are opportunities for all of us, and I hope this trip will offer one such opportunity to rekindle the energy of the heart in our troubled world.
The program
Generally, there will be activities both in the morning and (late) afternoon, and there will be some hours to relax after lunch. In February, temperatures are generally very pleasant, around 25 degrees Celsius during the day, but it can get chilly in the mornings and evenings.
Thursday Feb 21:
Arrival and settle in.
There are not many direct flights to Luxor, so
you will probably need to fly to Cairo and from
there it’s a one hour flight to Luxor,
where you will be picked up by a taxi and taken to the hotel (it’s a drive of
less than 30 minutes).
Friday Feb 22:
Morning: Workshop I
Afternoon: Visit to Luxor Temple , which is within walking distance of our hotel. This is a beautiful temple, originally devoted to healing, located in the heart of Luxor city.
Saturday Feb 23:
Morning: Visit to Karnak Temple Complex
Karnak is one of the biggest temple complexes in the world, it is grand and majestic and has some powerful energy spots where the veil with “the other side” seems thinner than usual.
Afternoon: Workshop II
Sunday Feb 24:
Morning: Visit to Dendara Temple: this large and beautiful temple is devoted to Hathor, goddess of dance, music and celebration. It is located in the city of Qena, about one hour driving (by taxi-bus) from Luxor. We will be back around lunch time..
Late afternoon: walk in the desert at sunset and drinks in a nearby hotel.
Monday Feb 25
Morning: Workshop III
Afternoon: Valley of the Kings and alabaster factory (to buy souvenirs if you like)
The famous Valley of the Kings is a valley in the desert which holds many magnificent pharaonic tombs. We will visit three of the most impressive ones, as well as the small but renowned tomb of Tutanchamon
Tuesday Feb 26
(Please note that on this trip we will not visit the famous Pyramids of Gizeh, these are located near Cairo, about 800 km away from where we are. It's possible of course to visit them on your own, if you fly through Cairo).
Your home base will be the Iberotel on the East Bank of Luxor.
This 4 star hotel has good facilities in the rooms (including Wifi), a large swimming pool and lovely garden overlooking the Nile, and is located close within walking distance of the city center.
We will visit different restaurants for dinner and they all provide vegetarian or vegan meals upon request.
The overall price will be 1200 euro, and this includes the three workshops, a single room for 5 nights, all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), all trips (including museum tickets, transfers and guide) and tips for the staff.
You will receive a link to the audio files of the workshops afterwards by e-mail.
This price is excluding your flight ticket, your drinks and visa (25 euro).
Regarding drinks: you need to use bottled water (which you can buy everywhere for a low price).
Egyptian pounds
You can change euros into Egyptian pounds in several banks and there are some ATM machines close by.
Euro and USD are accepted in shops also but for small purchases it’s practical to have some Egyptian pounds with you.
Visa and Passport
For most countries, you can obtain a visa upon arrival at the airport of Cairo. You need to go to one of the banks at the airport and you will get a visa for 25 euro. The banks where you can buy your visa are situated in the transit hall of Cairo airport where you will automatically go as you get out of the plane.
For exact information about visa, consult with the Egyptian embassy or consulate in your country.
Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival to Egypt.
To register for this trip, full payment is required upon registration.
Please note that payment is non-refundable as the trip takes place within 4 weeks from now.
It is advisable to book your flight ticket soon to get the best price.
I will send payment info to you after receiving your registration.
Please don’t book your flight until you receive a definite confirmation from me.
If you would like to register, or if you have specific questions, please contact me directly at pamela@jeshua.net.
Warm regards
Gerrit and Pamela
Books by Pamela Kribbe