In this newsletter we would like tell you about our visit to Taiwan and share with you two new channelings.
We recently
visited Taiwan,
where Pamela’s latest book The Forbidden Female Speaks has just been published,
and we offered several workshops there. It was wonderful to meet fellow
lightworkers and old friends again and enjoy the beauty of the green mountains
and ever present ocean. We even experienced a real typhoon, which seemed quite
exciting in the beginning, however after three days and nights or relentless
rain and howling wind around the house, we were happy to get out again. In general
it was fascinating to experience the gap between the ultra modern, high tech
environment in the cities of Taiwan,
and the ancient energy of the ocean and the endless forests, waterfalls and mountains.
Such a different flow and rhythm of life – it’s surreal to what extent humanity
can detach itself from nature. Only the typhoon seemed able to put life to a
halt for a few days.
The theme of the weekend workshop we did was “Creating abundance through joy”.
We feel that creation, joy and abundance are deeply connected. Creativity starts with joy, the joy of inspiration, the joy of connecting with your soul. Creation from the heart feels joyful, it’s like an overflowing energy that naturally leads to abundance, whether in terms of money or relations or other ways of fulfillment. This abundance brings us joy again, and this inspires us to more creativity.
So creativity, joy and abundance are interconnected and form an organic cycle that reinforces itself. Thus the wheel of happiness keeps spinning. Ideally! However, at every point of the cycle, fears and limiting beliefs may come up that bring the wheel to a halt.
For instance: we may have a narrow concept of abundance. Do we really have abundance when we gather more and more possessions but lack the time to enjoy the company of friends and the beauty of nature? In Asia, a lot of people struggle with the pressure to work very hard and the accompanying morale that says “to be busy is to be successful”. Going along with this rat race, even if it makes you wealthy in a material sense, may bring the wheel to a halt.
This is one way we interrupt the natural joy and abundance that come from creating from the soul. Other impediments come from self doubt, fear of being different, a ‘drop out’, or painful (possibly past life) memories of being rejected for truly expressing your soul’s unique gifts.
For people who are interested in this workshop, here is the link to the recordings:
It consists of channelings, meditations and Q&A sessions (with Chinese translation)
Transcripts are not yet available but will be published at a later date.
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
"What happens at those moments when you are filled with the essence of your soul, and with the mission here on Earth you intended to do? What really happens in those moments of the coming together of your soul with your humanity? There is no fear, there is openness. The voice of fear is replaced by a deep trust and a knowing inside you of what is good. And how you desire to experience that feeling at all times, for you suffer when you live in fear! Fear feels bad, uncomfortable, and your body and soul are not nourished by fearful thoughts and feelings. It is like a poison that sneaks up on you, or a kind of quicksand in which you get mired, and once you are halfway in it, it becomes even more difficult for you to get out of its grip."
The Great and the Small in Yourself
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary Magdalene
"I come from a distant past, but I also come from the future. I am more than the woman who was on Earth. I am part of a greater field of energy that renews itself and is born again and again in every moment. I am alive and kicking! I am not tied to the time and form in which I was embodied so many centuries ago. I speak from an energy source that is inexhaustible and that surrounds you all, one that flows around you and wants to awaken you to life – it is the source of life itself. It is your birthright to know you are held safely by this source, and to be taken up into that flow of energy and creativity, of ease, well-being, and lightheartedness. That is who you really are! Everything else is an illusion; a temporary veil obscuring your consciousness."
Warm regards
Gerrit and Pamela
Books by Pamela Kribbe