- A Reflection on the Male Energy
- A spiritual perspective on aging
- Atlantis and the inner struggle of lightworkers
- Becoming Yourself
- Being Grounded
- Being loved—A Step-by-Step Plan
- Black holes inside us
- Everything is as it should be, or is it?
- Finding your life’s purpose
- From hypersensitivity to high sensitivity
- Gerrit Gielen
- Guilt and Fear in Highly Sensitive People
- Gurus and Sects
- Healing and understanding the ancient battle between men and women
- How the Astral World Affects Us
- If we create our own reality, then why do we get old?
- Lightworkers and Loneliness
- Loneliness
- Meeting our past selves outside of time
- Messages from the future
- Money and the flow of giving and receiving
- Of Trees and People: A Fairy Tale
- Old age: A Time of Awakening
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Parenting in the Period of Transition
- Saying goodbye: a path from mourning to love
- Soul and Earth
- Soul and Personality
- The energy of the new Earth
- The influence of the astral plane on channeling
- The Inner Love Flow
- The Power of Gratitude
- Thinking from Love
- What happens after death?
- What we should teach our children about our Inner World
- Who is Jeshua?
- Wholeness: One and Many
- Working with parallel lives
Being a Lightworker in the New Age
- Expressing your soul’s light
- Gerrit Gielen
- Lightworkers entering the New Era
- Making Your Own Choices
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Paradise on Earth
- Relationships in the New Era
- Surrender and Control
- The Atlantis heritage
- The Children of the New Era
- The Gatekeepers
- The New Era has begun
- The seeds of Christ consciousness
- The simplicity of life
- The Third Way
- The way of the lightworker
- Who is Jeshua?
- Your arrival on the New Earth
by Gerrit Gielen
- A Reflection on the Male Energy
- A spiritual perspective on aging
- Atlantis and the inner struggle of lightworkers
- Becoming Yourself
- Being Grounded
- Being loved—A Step-by-Step Plan
- Black holes inside us
- Finding your life’s purpose
- From hypersensitivity to high sensitivity
- Gerrit Gielen
- Guilt and Fear in Highly Sensitive People
- Gurus and Sects
- Healing and understanding the ancient battle between men and women
- How the Astral World Affects Us
- If we create our own reality, then why do we get old?
- Lightworkers and Loneliness
- Loneliness
- Meeting our past selves outside of time
- Money and the flow of giving and receiving
- Of Trees and People: A Fairy Tale
- Old age: A Time of Awakening
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Parenting in the Period of Transition
- Saying goodbye: a path from mourning to love
- Soul and Earth
- Soul and Personality
- The energy of the new Earth
- The influence of the astral plane on channeling
- The Inner Love Flow
- The Power of Gratitude
- Thinking from Love
- What happens after death?
- What we should teach our children about our Inner World
- Who is Jeshua?
- Wholeness: One and Many
- Working with parallel lives
by Pamela Kribbe
Channeling workshop
- A Spirituality of the Earth
- A Step Backward
- A time for celebration
- A Time for Harvesting
- About This Time of Chaos
- Abundance lies within
- Allow Your Light to Shine
- Am I a lightworker?
- An Ancient Mountain
- Angels on Earth
- Awakening your ability to channel
- Baggage
- Be a Child of the Earth
- Become Aware of Your Loneliness
- Being a Lightworker
- Being a teacher in the new era
- Being Alone
- Being at Home on Earth
- Being in the world but not of it
- Being Stuck
- Being the bridge to the New Earth
- Beyond Duality
- Body and Soul
- Bow Deeply to Yourself
- Circles of Light
- Coming Into Your Own Strength
- Communicating With Your Body
- Communicating with Your Soul
- Connecting to your inner boy and girl
- Cosmic birth pain
- Dancing through Life
- Dare to be Different!
- Dealing with Emotions
- Death and beyond
- Do not fear Loneliness
- Embodiment
- Embrace yourself
- Everything is Connected
- Experiencing the Buddha Energy
- Expressing your soul’s light
- Fear as doorway to the unknown
- Fearful Thoughts
- Feel Again How It Used to Be
- Feel Carried by the Wind of Life
- Feel the embrace of Home
- Feeling at home on Earth
- Flowers of the Earth
- From ego to heart I
- From ego to heart II
- From ego to heart III
- From ego to heart IV
- From heart to belly
- Fully human and fully divine (Atlantis – Egypt – Now)
- Gerrit Gielen
- Get Out of Your Head!
- Give Space to the Child Within You
- Giving from your Essence
- Grounding yourself through joy and creativity
- Guiding our children
- Heart-based Land
- Heaven and Earth Belong Together
- Helping Others
- High Sensitivity
- How Do You Change Society?
- How do you recognize the energy of your soul?
- How do You Recognize Your Soul’s Plan?
- Illness and health
- Images of Unworthiness
- In This Time Things are Different
- Inhabitant of two worlds: the lightworker’s mission
- Inner Change is the Key
- It’s about you!
- Journey Through the Desert
- Joy of Life
- Keep Your Trust
- Know That You are Different
- Learning to Understand Illness
- Let go of time
- Let joy be your guideline
- Let Your Body be Your Guide
- Letting go of your birth family
- Levels of Connection with Your Soul
- Life, consciousness and the heritage of ancient Egypt
- Lightworker I
- Lightworker II
- Lightworker III
- Lightworkers entering the New Era
- Loneliness, a Necessary Part of Your Path
- Love completes the cycle
- Love Relationships
- Lust and Love
- Make Room for Angels
- Making Your Own Choices
- Male and female energy
- Money and Abundance
- Motherhood and Fatherhood
- New Energies in an Old World
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Paradise on Earth
- Pitfalls on the way to becoming a healer
- Qualities of Children of the New Era
- Receive Yourself
- Receiving the New Earth in Yourself
- Relationships and Soul Connection
- Relationships in the New Era
- Releasing struggle from your life
- Restoring the male and female energies in the body
- Return of the wild woman
- Self-suppression in Women
- Sense Your Roots
- Sexuality and Love Between Partners
- Sexuality and spirituality
- Sharing the New Earth with Others
- Spiritual motherhood
- Surrender and Control
- Take a Look at Yourself
- Teaching your parents
- The Anchor
- The Artist
- The Atlantis heritage
- The Awakening Process on Earth
- The battle of the sexes
- The Case for Being Human
- The Center of the Sun
- The Channel to the Primal Source
- The Children of the New Era
- The Connecting Element
- The Consciousness of Earth
- The Core of Your Problem
- The Cross of Life
- The Current Crisis
- The Cycle of Your Seasons
- The Dance With Darkness
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- The Earthly Ego
- The Energy of Unconditional Love
- The Essence of All Healing
- The Eternal Light of the Universe
- The Fire in Your Belly
- The flame of your inner world
- The Flow of Receiving in Your Life
- The Forbidden Female Energy
- The Garden of Eden
- The Gate
- The Gatekeepers
- The Golden Light of 2012
- The Great and the Small in Yourself
- The Great Mystery
- The Heart Center of the Earth
- The highest you can give
- The Inner Flower
- The Inner Journey
- The Inspiration of Life
- The Interplay Between Soul and Earth
- The Journey Inward
- The Larger Field
- The Learning Process of the Soul
- The Liar
- The Love of the Earth
- The Message of Darkness
- The Mother and Father Energies
- The Mother Guide
- The New Earth I
- The New Earth II
- The New Era has begun
- The power of the belly
- The Power of the Soul
- The power of your own consciousness
- The Rhythm of the Earth
- The role play of man and woman
- The Root Chakra
- The seeds of Christ consciousness
- The seeds of wholeness inside you wish to sprout
- The simplicity of life
- The Snake in Your Abdomen
- The Spirit of Freedom
- The spiritual meaning of life on Earth
- The Stone
- The Taboo Against Individuality
- The Teacher Energy
- The Third Way
- The Trap of the Mind
- The Two Faces of God
- The way of the lightworker
- The Wizard
- The Wounded Human
- Therapist and Client
- There is Always a Choice
- Threads of the Soul
- Three Children
- Time, Multidimensionality and your Light Self
- Transform the Deepest Part
- Trust the Earth
- Trust Yourself
- Two Deep Fears
- Two Obstacles
- Two Steps to Connect with the Soul
- Two Types of Darkness
- Understanding the Body’s Language
- We are Not Complete Without You
- What is true spirituality?
- Who is Jeshua?
- Who or what is the soul?
- Work, Money and Creativity
- You are Becoming a Teacher
- You are Forerunners
- You are society’s teacher
- You are the creators – I am here to support you
- You are the Midwives of the New
- You have waited for this time
- Your Animal Nature
- Your arrival on the New Earth
- Your Fire is Eternal
- Your mission on Earth
- Your Soul’s Plan
- Your Unique Path
Earth speaks
- A Spirituality of the Earth
- Abundance lies within
- Angels on Earth
- Body and Soul
- Communicating With Your Body
- Feel Again How It Used to Be
- From heart to belly
- Gerrit Gielen
- Get Out of Your Head!
- Grounding yourself through joy and creativity
- Heaven and Earth Belong Together
- How Do You Change Society?
- Joy of Life
- Know That You are Different
- Let Your Body be Your Guide
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Qualities of Children of the New Era
- Receive Yourself
- Receiving the New Earth in Yourself
- Restoring the male and female energies in the body
- Sense Your Roots
- The Artist
- The Consciousness of Earth
- The Cycle of Your Seasons
- The Earthly Ego
- The Flow of Receiving in Your Life
- The Heart Center of the Earth
- The Inspiration of Life
- The Interplay Between Soul and Earth
- The Liar
- The Love of the Earth
- The Root Chakra
- The Snake in Your Abdomen
- The Trap of the Mind
- There is Always a Choice
- Three Children
- Trust the Earth
- Who is Jeshua?
- Your Animal Nature
- Your mission on Earth
Mary Magdalene
- About This Time of Chaos
- An Ancient Mountain
- Beyond Duality
- Flowers of the Earth
- Gerrit Gielen
- Heart-based Land
- Journey Through the Desert
- Learning to Understand Illness
- New Energies in an Old World
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Relationships and Soul Connection
- Return of the wild woman
- Self-suppression in Women
- Sexuality and Love Between Partners
- Sharing the New Earth with Others
- Take a Look at Yourself
- The battle of the sexes
- The Case for Being Human
- The Essence of All Healing
- The Fire in Your Belly
- The Forbidden Female Energy
- The Great and the Small in Yourself
- The Journey Inward
- The Learning Process of the Soul
- The power of the belly
- The role play of man and woman
- The Taboo Against Individuality
- The Wounded Human
- Threads of the Soul
- Trust Yourself
- Two Deep Fears
- Who is Jeshua?
Mornings with Jeshua
- A time for celebration
- A Time for Harvesting
- Allow Your Light to Shine
- Baggage
- Become Aware of Your Loneliness
- Being a Lightworker
- Being a teacher in the new era
- Being Alone
- Being at Home on Earth
- Being Stuck
- Bow Deeply to Yourself
- Coming Into Your Own Strength
- Connecting to your inner boy and girl
- Dare to be Different!
- Death and beyond
- Do not fear Loneliness
- Embodiment
- Embrace yourself
- Fearful Thoughts
- Gerrit Gielen
- Give Space to the Child Within You
- Giving from your Essence
- Helping Others
- How do you recognize the energy of your soul?
- Images of Unworthiness
- Inhabitant of two worlds: the lightworker’s mission
- Inner Change is the Key
- It’s about you!
- Keep Your Trust
- Loneliness, a Necessary Part of Your Path
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Releasing struggle from your life
- The Anchor
- The Awakening Process on Earth
- The Channel to the Primal Source
- The Connecting Element
- The Core of Your Problem
- The Cross of Life
- The Current Crisis
- The Dance With Darkness
- The flame of your inner world
- The Garden of Eden
- The Great Mystery
- The highest you can give
- The Inner Flower
- The Larger Field
- The Message of Darkness
- The Rhythm of the Earth
- The spiritual meaning of life on Earth
- The Stone
- The Teacher Energy
- Therapist and Client
- Transform the Deepest Part
- Two Obstacles
- Two Steps to Connect with the Soul
- Understanding the Body’s Language
- What is true spirituality?
- Who is Jeshua?
- Who or what is the soul?
- You are Becoming a Teacher
- You are Forerunners
- You are the Midwives of the New
- You have waited for this time
- Your Fire is Eternal
- Your Unique Path
Mother Mary
- A Step Backward
- Circles of Light
- Everything is Connected
- Fear as doorway to the unknown
- Feel Carried by the Wind of Life
- Gerrit Gielen
- Guiding our children
- High Sensitivity
- In This Time Things are Different
- Let go of time
- Let joy be your guideline
- Make Room for Angels
- Money and Abundance
- Motherhood and Fatherhood
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Spiritual motherhood
- The Energy of Unconditional Love
- The Inner Journey
- The Mother and Father Energies
- The Mother Guide
- The Power of the Soul
- The Two Faces of God
- The Wizard
- We are Not Complete Without You
- Who is Jeshua?
- Your Soul’s Plan
Reminders of Home
- Be a Child of the Earth
- Dancing through Life
- Fully human and fully divine (Atlantis – Egypt – Now)
- Gerrit Gielen
- How do You Recognize Your Soul’s Plan?
- Life, consciousness and the heritage of ancient Egypt
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- The Eternal Light of the Universe
- The seeds of wholeness inside you wish to sprout
- Who is Jeshua?
- You are the creators – I am here to support you
The Healing series
The lightworker series
Through the gate
- Being the bridge to the New Earth
- Communicating with Your Soul
- Experiencing the Buddha Energy
- Feeling at home on Earth
- Gerrit Gielen
- Levels of Connection with Your Soul
- Love Relationships
- Lust and Love
- Pamela Rose Kribbe
- Teaching your parents
- The Center of the Sun
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- The Gate
- The Golden Light of 2012
- Two Types of Darkness
- Who is Jeshua?
- You are society’s teacher