Spiritual trance therapy
By Gerrit Gielen
Spiritual trance therapy aims to bring you in contact with higher dimensions inside you, and thereby help you gain a new, wider and more loving perspective on your life and the problems you are facing. It often provides insights about your past lives, which explain why your soul has chosen your current life and the challenges in it.
Under my guidance you enter a light trance state and connect with parts of yourself that usually are hidden from your everyday consciousness. This allows you to intuitively learn essential things about who you are, where your feelings and moods come from and how to let go of negative beliefs and habits.
The therapy is based on the idea, very central to my way of thinking, that your source – your soul – exists outside of space and time. At the level of your soul, everything happens at the same time. The past is not fixed but is happening now. Remembering an incident from childhood is actually a process of communication between the adult you and you as a child. When you see remembering as an act of communication with a living reality, it becomes a creative process that can be used for healing and inner growth. In “Meeting our past selves outside of time” I explain in more detail how we can connect to our past from the level of the soul – outside of time – and how it brings healing and liberation to the present .
Trance therapy gives you deeper insight in your problems and their causes.
With the help of your own intuition you gain acces to unconscious or semi-conscious parts of yourself, which often contain the answers you are looking for. Your own intuition can also indicate via symbols, hunches or feelings where the solution to your problems lies. The therapy I offer is aimed at awakening your intuitive abilities and finding the answers to specific questions within yourself.
The ultimate goal is to consciously connect with your inner source, your soul, and from that level sense where the problems in your life come from and how they can be solved.
Spiritual trance therapy helps you to:
- Get in touch with your intuition and inner knowledge
- Read your own energy field
- Understand how you have experienced the past and which emotional blocks you have built up
- Surrounding those emotional blocks with understanding and awareness so that they can be transformed into positive forces and talents
This therapy is basically suitable for everyone. It builds on abilities that every human being naturally possesses: the ability to fantasize, imagine and feel.
The trance state you are in during a consultation is comparable to a state of deep relaxation, in which the rational mind is put on the back burner and you perceive and consider things from a calm and detached perspective.
The same thing often happens when you stare mindlessly out of the window for a while on a train, you are intensely engaged in gardening or doing crafts, or are completely absorbed in a book or movie.
The key is that thinking comes to rest and you can therefore be much more aware of what is happening inside of you in terms of emotions, thought patterns and habits.
The consultations are usually done via Skype but it is also possible to visit me in ‘s-Heerenberg in The Netherlands.
A consultation takes about one hour and forty minutes and costs 175 Euro (incl. VAT).
If you cannot afford this, a discount and/or payment in installments is possible.
If you are interested in a consultation, please fill out the contact form below. I will contact you soon.
How many consultations are advisable depends on the problem and how deep you want to dive into it. As a rule, one consultation is enough. Usually, one consultation clarifies what the core problem is and what can be done about it. Afterwards I offer instructions for one or more meditations that can be repeated at home.
You can pay through Paypal or if you live in the European Union, by bank transferral:
Spiritual trance therapy |
ING-bank The Netherlands Account number NL08 INGB 0002 8902 82 In the name of P.R. Kribbe and/or G. Gielen BIC: INGBNL2A |
© Gerrit Gielen