The Forbidden Female Speaks

Ebook $7.99
Mary Magdalene was regarded as “the forbidden female” in the Christian tradition: wild, free and sinful. This book contains a dialogue with and messages from Mary Magdalene, channeled by Pamela Kribbe (PhD). It is about male and female energy, relationships, sexuality and healing. In these teachings, Mary Magdalene speaks with a clear, loving voice that is sometimes direct and confrontational but mostly compassionate and deeply appreciative of human nature.
In both men and women, there is a forbidden female energy, Mary Magdalene says, which has to do with feeling, intuition and the heart. In this day and age, both sexes are invited to become aware of this energy and to heal the old wound of separation between them. In this way, we will learn how to listen to our heart’s whispers again and reconnect with our soul.
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” This is an extremely powerful and enlightening book. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand themselves on a deeper level as well as the relationship between collective male and female energy throughout history and the present. Mary Magdalene offers profound insight into the collective wound that females carry with them and how to transcend that imbalance energy. She also speaks to the wound males carry with them in their heart chakra and how this has affected the relationship between males and females. “
6 thoughts on “The Forbidden Female Speaks”
Amazing content I’m listening on Youtube via Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the Ages. Much to digest however and to explore with others. Seems like important foundational knowledge. Too much to absorb within the time restriction. Would be fab if the book was available on Audible or better still, with Whispersynch on Kindle. By the way, bought the eversion but the download wouldn’t open in Kindle on my iPad. Have had to revert to PDF download instead.
Hello and many blessings for putting out this amazing work. I’m an avid listener of books. Is there an audio version available like this one that is currently up on YouTube until the 18th?
Thank you Pamela for writing that book, for sharing your Channeliing conversation w/Mary Magdalene (whom I’ve always loved + admired almost as much as Jeshua). I couldn’t help but think someone has been video taping me & my entire life!. And I am so curious as to who is narrating? It sounds like it could be Wayne Dyer or Lee Carrol . I’d love to purchase the book & all the others as well. And to make a Donation as well. Unfortunately it’ll have to wait until after the 3rd of July 2021. Please Forgive me. Much love + blessings. Ruth Esther 💚 😽💙
Stunning information! It has confirmed the healing journey that I am on. Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom. I am not weird, just want to be free to love the ME inside of me and pour out on others and this book demonstrates how to do it. Thank you x infinity.
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